

  1. MAP_architecture.jpg
    Improving Planning With Large Language Models: A Modular Agentic Architecture
    Shanka Subhra Mondal*, Taylor W. Webb*, and Ida Momennejad
    arXiv, 2024
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    Slot Abstractors: Toward Scalable Abstract Visual Reasoning
    Shanka Subhra Mondal, Jonathan D. Cohen, and Taylor W. Webb
    ICML, 2024


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    Determinantal point process attention over grid cell code supports out of distribution generalization
    Shanka Subhra Mondal, Steven M. Frankland, Taylor W. Webb, and 1 more author
    eLife, 2023
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    Systematic Visual Reasoning through Object-Centric Relational Abstraction
    Shanka Subhra Mondal*, Taylor W. Webb*, and Jonathan D. Cohen
    NeurIPS, 2023
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    Learning to reason over visual objects
    Shanka Subhra Mondal*, Taylor W. Webb*, and Jonathan D. Cohen
    ICLR, 2023


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    Scheduling of time-varying workloads using reinforcement learning
    Shanka Subhra Mondal*, Nikhil Sheoran*, and Subrata Mitra
    AAAI, 2021


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    Kinship verification using deep siamese convolutional neural network
    Abhilash Nandy, and Shanka Subhra Mondal
    IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition Workshop, 2019
  2. Deepplace: Learning to place applications in multi-tenant clusters
    Subrata Mitra, Shanka Subhra Mondal, Nikhil Sheoran, and 3 more authors
    ACM SIGOPS Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems, 2019


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    Multitask learning of temporal connectionism in convolutional networks using a joint distribution loss function to simultaneously identify tools and phase in surgical videos
    Shanka Subhra Mondal, Rachana Sathish, and Debdoot Sheet
    MedImage Workshop at Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, 2018